diff --git a/content/screen.sass b/content/screen.sass index f3290d6..61e0c91 100644 --- a/content/screen.sass +++ b/content/screen.sass @@ -181,6 +181,9 @@ footer .align-top vertical-align: top +.with-border + border: 1px solid #D8D8D8 + .no-border border: none text-decoration: none diff --git a/content/technical/2019/03/first-3-weeks-of-professional-rust.md b/content/technical/2019/03/first-3-weeks-of-professional-rust.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b8f3a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/technical/2019/03/first-3-weeks-of-professional-rust.md @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +For the last 15 years as professional programmer I have worked mostly with +dynamic languages. First [Perl], then [Python], and for the last 10 years or so +[Ruby]. I've also been writing [Rust] on the side for personal projects for +nearly four years. Recently I started a new job and for the first time I'm +writing Rust professionally. Rust represents quite a shift in language +features, development process and tooling. I thought it would be interesting to +reflect on that experience so far. + +_Note that some of my observations are not unique to Rust and would be equally +present in other languages like [Haskell], [Kotlin], or [OCaml]._ + +## Knowledge + +In my first week I hit up pretty hard against my knowledge of [lifetimes in +Rust][lifetimes]. I was reasonably confident with them conceptually and their +simple application but our code has some interesting type driven zero-copy +parsing code that tested my knowledge. When encountering some compiler errors I +was fortunate to have experienced colleagues to ask for help. It's been nice to +be extending my knowledge and learning as I go. + +Interestingly I had mostly been building things without advanced lifetime +knowledge up until this point. I think that sometimes the community puts too +much emphasis on some of Rust's more advanced features when citing its learning +curve. If you read [the book] you can get a very long way. Although that will +depend on the types of applications or [data structures][linked-list] you're +trying to build. + +## Confidence + +In my second week I implemented a change to make a certain pattern more +ergonomic. It was refreshing to be able to build the initial functionality and +then make a project wide change, confident that given it compiled after the +change I _probably_ hadn't broken anything. I don't think I would have had the +confidence to make such a change as early on in the Ruby projects I've worked +on previously. + +## Testing + +I cringe whenever I see proponents of statically typed languages say things +like, "if it compiles, it works", with misguided certainty. The compiler and +language do eliminate whole classes of bugs that you'd need to test for in a +dynamic language but that doesn't mean tests aren't needed. + +Rust has great built in support for testing and I've enjoyed being able to +write tests focussed solely on the behaviour and logic of my code. Instead of +behaviour and logic in addition to ensuring there are no syntax errors, or that +`nil` is handled safely, etc. + +## Editor and Tooling + +[Neovim] is my primary text editor. I've been using [vim] or a derivative since +the early 2000s. I have the [RLS] set up and working in my Neovim environment +but less than a week in I started using [IntelliJ IDEA][IntelliJ] with the Rust +and Vim emulation plugins for work. A week after that I started trialling +[CLion] as I wanted a debugger. + +
+ JetBrains CLion IDE +
JetBrains CLion IDE
+ +The impetus for the switch was that I was working with a colleague on a +change that had a fairly wide impact on the code. We were practicing +[compiler driven development] and were doing a repeated cycle of fix an error, +compile, jump to next top most error. Vim's [quickfix] list + [:make] is +designed to make this cycle easier too but I didn't have that set up at the +time. I was doing a lot of manual jumping between files, whereas in IntelliJ I +could just click the paths in the error messages. + +It's perhaps the combination of working on a foreign codebase and also trying +to maximise efficiency when working with others that pushed me to seek out +better tooling for work use. There is a ongoing to work to improve the RLS so I +may still come back to Neovim and I continue to use it for personal +projects. + +Other CLion features that I'm enjoying: + +* Reliable autocomplete +* Reliable jump to definition, jump to impl block, find usages +* Refactoring tooling (rename across project, extract method, extract variable) +* Built in debugger + +[VS Code] offers some of these features too. However, since they are built on +the RLS they suffer many of the same issues I had in Neovim. Additionally I +think the Vim emulation plugin for IntelliJ is more complete, or at least more +predictable for a long time vim user. This is despite the latter actually using +Neovim under the covers. + +## Debugging + +In Ruby with a gem like [pry-byebug] it's trivial to put a `binding.pry` in +some code to be dropped into a debugger + REPL at that point in the code. This +is harder with Rust. `println!` or `dbg!` based debugging can get you a +surprisingly long way and had served me well for most of my personal projects. + +When building some parsing code I quickly felt the need to use a real +debugger in order to step through, and examine execution of a failing test. +It's possible to do this on the command line with the `rust-gdb` or `rust-lldb` +wrappers that come with Rust. However, I find them fiddly to use +and verbose to operate. + +CLion makes it simple to add and remove break points by clicking in the gutter, +run a single test under the debugger, visually step through the code, see all +local variables, step up and down the call stack, etc. These are possible with +the command line tools (which CLIon is using behind the scenes), but it's nice +to have them built in and available with a single click of the mouse. + +## Conclusion + +So far I am enjoying my new role. There have been some great learning +opportunities and surprising tooling changes. I'm also keen to keep an eye on +the frequency of bugs encountered in production, their type (such as panic or +incorrect logic), their source, and ease of resolution. I look forward to +writing more about our work in the future. + +

+ +Previous Post: [A Coding Retreat and Getting Embedded Rust Running on a SensorTag](/technical/2019/03/sensortag-embedded-rust-coding-retreat/) + + +[:make]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/quickfix.html#:make +[CLion]: https://www.jetbrains.com/clion/ +[compiler driven development]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch20-02-multithreaded.html#building-the-threadpool-struct-using-compiler-driven-development +[linked-list]: https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/ +[Haskell]: https://www.haskell.org/ +[IntelliJ]: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/ +[Kotlin]: https://kotlinlang.org/ +[lifetimes]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch19-02-advanced-lifetimes.html +[Neovim]: https://neovim.io/ +[null]: https://www.infoq.com/presentations/Null-References-The-Billion-Dollar-Mistake-Tony-Hoare +[OCaml]: https://ocaml.org/ +[Perl]: https://www.perl.org/ +[pry-byebug]: https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez/pry-byebug +[Python]: https://www.python.org/ +[quickfix]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/quickfix.html +[RLS]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rls +[Ruby]: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ +[Rust]: https://www.rust-lang.org/ +[the book]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/index.html +[vim]: https://www.vim.org/ +[VS Code]: https://code.visualstudio.com/ diff --git a/content/technical/2019/03/first-3-weeks-of-professional-rust.yaml b/content/technical/2019/03/first-3-weeks-of-professional-rust.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c599c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/technical/2019/03/first-3-weeks-of-professional-rust.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +--- +title: My First 3 Weeks of Professional Rust +extra: Reflecting on the first 3 weeks of writing Rust in my new job. +kind: article +section: technical +created_at: 2019-03-24 09:45:00.000000000 +11:00 +#updated_at: 2019-03-23T13:16:07+11:00 +keywords: + - rust +short_url: diff --git a/content/technical/2019/03/sensortag-embedded-rust-coding-retreat.md b/content/technical/2019/03/sensortag-embedded-rust-coding-retreat.md index 673fbc6..fe4a576 100644 --- a/content/technical/2019/03/sensortag-embedded-rust-coding-retreat.md +++ b/content/technical/2019/03/sensortag-embedded-rust-coding-retreat.md @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ microcontroller the SensorTag also add a bunch of sensors, including: temperature, humidity, barometer, accelerometer, gyroscope, and light.
- Two SensorTags. One with  it's rubberised case removed and debugger board attached -
Two SensorTags. One with it's rubberised case removed and + Two SensorTags. One with it's rubberised case removed and debugger board attached +
Two SensorTags. One with it's rubberised case removed and debugger board attached.
@@ -229,7 +229,8 @@ next year.

-Previous Post: [Rebuilding My Personal Infrastructure With Alpine Linux and Docker](/technical/2019/02/alpine-linux-docker-infrastructure/) +Previous Post: [Rebuilding My Personal Infrastructure With Alpine Linux and Docker](/technical/2019/02/alpine-linux-docker-infrastructure/) +Next Post: [My First 3 Weeks of Professional Rust](/technical/2019/03/first-3-weeks-of-professional-rust/) [cargo-binutils]: https://crates.io/crates/cargo-binutils [carmack]: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2110408722526967&id=100006735798590 diff --git a/content/technical/2019/03/sensortag-embedded-rust-coding-retreat.yaml b/content/technical/2019/03/sensortag-embedded-rust-coding-retreat.yaml index 06d8342..a6d4bee 100644 --- a/content/technical/2019/03/sensortag-embedded-rust-coding-retreat.yaml +++ b/content/technical/2019/03/sensortag-embedded-rust-coding-retreat.yaml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ extra: I attended a small coding retreat with some friends and worked on running kind: article section: technical created_at: 2019-03-12 19:45:00.000000000 +11:00 -updated_at: 2019-03-23T13:16:07+11:00 +updated_at: 2019-03-24T13:01:51+11:00 keywords: - rust - embedded diff --git a/output/images/2019/jetbrains-clion.png b/output/images/2019/jetbrains-clion.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7d04b4 Binary files /dev/null and b/output/images/2019/jetbrains-clion.png differ