WezM.net is Wesley Moore’s personal home page. I live in Melbourne Australia and work as a software developer. Here you will find posts about projects I'm working on, useful tips I've discovered as well as other events from my life.

The content is split into two sections: [Technical](/technical/articles/) and [Personal](/personal/articles/). There is a [combined feed](/feed/) containing all posts as well as separate ones for [technical](/technical/feed/) and [personal](/personal/feed/) posts. ### Contact Find me on the Internet in one of these places: Credits ------- This site makes use of the following resources made available freely by their authors: * [Reset CSS][cssreset] by Eric Meyer * [Mono icons][monoicons] by tutorial9 * [Feed icon][feedicon] by FeedIcons.com and the Mozilla Foundation * [Link Icon][bytesize-icons] by Dan Klammer [nanoc]: http://nanoc.stoneship.org/ [markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ [nginx]: http://nginx.org/ [twitter]: http://twitter.com/wezm [mastodon]: https://mastodon.social/@wezm [flickr]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wezm/ [debian]: http://www.debian.org/ [jquery]: http://jquery.com/ [sass]: http://sass-lang.com/ [cssreset]: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/ [monoicons]: http://www.tutorial9.net/resources/108-mono-icons-huge-set-of-minimal-icons/ [feedicon]: http://feedicons.com/ [bytesize-icons]: https://github.com/danklammer/bytesize-icons