--- title: Tarra Valley and Wilsons Promontory extra: Photos from a trip to The Tarra Valley and Wilsons Prom after Christmas 2012. kind: article section: personal created_at: 2013-01-13 16:21:00 keywords: - trip - photos - wilsons - promontory - tarra - valley --- On Boxing Day 2012 I went on a road trip with a few friends to the Tarra Valley in Victoria's south east. We stayed at the [Tarra Valley Caravan Park][fernholme] "Fernholme" just outside the [Tarra-Bulga National Park][tarra-bulga]. The area is very picturesque, with large portions of the national park covered by [temperate rainforest][rainforest]. During our stay we did several walks and a trip to [Woodside Beach][woodside]. On the way home we spent a day at the equally as picturesque Wilsons Promontory. [fernholme]: http://www.tarra-valley.com/ [tarra-bulga]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarra-Bulga_National_Park [woodside]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodside_Beach [rainforest]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperate_rainforest Below are some of my favourite photos from the trip. [View the full set on Flickr][flickr]. [flickr]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wezm/sets/72157632405621933/
The Gang
Wet Leaf
Corrigan Suspension Bridge
Tidal River
Squeaky Beach