I have a collection of open-source software on [GitHub][github]. Some of the more noteworthy projects are listed below. [github]: http://github.com/wezm lua-imlib2 ---------- [lua-imlib2] is a fork of the published lua-imlib library with additional functionality. This library allows image processing in Lua. Specifically I added: * Support for filters * Image blending [lua-imlib2]: https://github.com/wezm/lua-imlib2 node-genx --------- [node-genx] is a [node.js][node] binding to the [Genx][genx] XML generation library. It allows fast and correct XML generation from the Javascript based node.js environment. Available for easy install via [npm]. [node-genx]: https://github.com/wezm/node-genx [node]: http://nodejs.org/ [genx]: http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2004/02/20/GenxStatus [npm]: http://npmjs.org/ OCMustache ---------- [OCMustache][ocmustache] brings the [Mustache templating language][mustache] to Objective-C. The parser is built using the [Ragel State Machine Compiler][ragel] in the hope that it will help ensure fast and correct parsing. [ocmustache]: https://github.com/wezm/OCMustache [mustache]: http://mustache.github.com/ [ragel]: http://www.complang.org/ragel/ Kyoto Client ------------ [kyoto-client][kyoto-client] is a [node.js][node] client library for the [Kyoto Tycoon][kyoto-tycoon] server. Kyoto Tycoon is the server component of the [Kyoto Cabinet][kyoto-cabinet] key-value store. kyoto-client is available for installation via [npm]. [kyoto-client]: http://kyoto-client.org [kyoto-tycoon]: http://fallabs.com/kyototycoon/ [kyoto-cabinet]: http://1978th.net/kyotocabinet/ Weather Station --------------- I have a weather station at my home for keeping track of the local conditions. I added support for [SQLite][sqlite] logging to [my fork][open2300fork] of the [Open2300][open2300] project. The weather station is connected to my Mac. Every 5 minutes it logs the current conditions, uploads them to my server and invokes a [lua program][weather-tools] to generate a [JSON][json] file, which is used to produce the [Weather page][weather]. [sqlite]: http://www.sqlite.org/ [open2300]: http://www.lavrsen.dk/foswiki/bin/view/Open2300/WebHome [open2300fork]: http://github.com/wezm/open2300 [weather]: http://weather.wezm.net/ [json]: http://www.json.org/ [weather-tools]: http://github.com/wezm/weather-tools See the following posts for more information on the weather station: * [Weather Station Install](/personal/2010/09/weather-station/) * [Weather Station Software Update](/technical/2010/09/weather-station-software/)