Supporting Rust by using Rust
An exploration of great command line tools
Melbourne Rust Meetup
Tue 26 Sep 2017
Rust is great
What is a Rust tool?
Why Rust tools are great
Fast and efficient with resources -
No runtime
Few runtime dependencies -
Cross Platform
Supports all major platforms
Why Rust tools are great
Easy to install
Package manager orcargo install
Provide a nice interface
Executes commands in response to file modifications
The usability of The Silver Searcher with the raw speed of [GNU] grep
You can build tools too!
- If you use a tool that is frustrating to install due to runtime requirements or dependency issues, perhaps it's a candidate for a Rust version.
- Maybe you use a tool that is error prone or could benefit from fearless concurrency.
- You can help spread Rust by using tools written in Rust
- There's already a stack of great tools out there
- Lots of opportunity to write your own tools