WezM.net is Wesley Moore's personal home page, a programmer from Melbourne Australia. Here you will find posts about various projects I'm working on, useful tips I've discovered as well as some random excerpts from other things going on in my life.

Contact ------- Email me on wes@wezm.net [Follow me on Twitter](twitter) This Site --------- This site is written in [Markdown][markdown], generated using [nanoc][nanoc] and hosted on a Crucial Paradigm VPS running [Debian GNU/Linux][debian] and [nginx][nginx]. Projects -------- Visit the projects page for details of some of my software and hardware projects. Photography ----------- I'm an amateur photographer, see [Flickr][flickr]. My primary camera is a Canon 400D SLR, with the following lenses: * 28mm ƒ/1.4 * 15-55mm ƒ/3.5-4 * 70-300mm ƒ/4.3-5.7 [nanoc]: http://nanoc.stoneship.org/ [markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ [nginx]: http://nginx.org/ [twitter]: http://twitter.com/wezm [flickr]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wezm/ [debian]: http://www.debian.org/