/* * Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Coote (http://www.tomcoote.co.uk) * This is licensed under GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /*jslint eqeqeq: true, browser: true */ /*global jQuery */ /** * Turn a text box into an auto suggest box which search's and * displays results specified in a JSON string * * * @name jsonSuggest * @type jQuery * @param searchData : [required] Can be one of three things; a JSON string which specified the search data, an object that is representative of a parsed JSON string or a function which returns either of these two things. * expected object format example; (either as raw object or JSON string) [ { id: 1, text: 'Thomas', image: 'img/avator1.jpg', // optional extra: 'www.thomas.com' // optional }, { id: 2, text: 'Frederic', image: 'img/avator2.jpg', // optional extra: 'www.freddy.com' // optional }, { id: 2, text: 'James', image: 'img/avator2.jpg', // optional extra: 'www.james.com' // optional } ] * @param Object settings; [optional] * minCharacters : [default 1] Number of characters that the input should accept before running a search. * maxResults: [default undefined] If set then no more results than this number will be found. * wildCard : [default ''] A character to be used as a match all wildcard when searching. Leaving empty will mean results are matched inside * strings but if a wildCard is present then results are matched from the beginning of strings. * caseSensitive : [defautl false] True if the filter search's are to be case sensitive. * notCharacter : [default !] The character to use at the start of any search text to specify that the results should NOT contain the following text. * maxHeight : [default 350] This is the maximum height that the results box can reach before scroll bars are shown instead of getting taller. * highlightMatches: [default true] This will add strong tags around the text that matches the search text in each result. * onSelect : [default undefined] Function that gets called once a result has been selected, gets passed in the object version of the result as specified in the json string * ajaxResults : [default false] If this is set to true then you must specify a function as the searchData construction parameter. This is because when this * settings is true then results are retrieved from an external function each time they are needed instead of being retrieved from the data given on * contruction. The searchData function must return a JSON string of resulting objects or the object which represents the JSON string. The function is * passed the following paramenters; * 1. The search text typed into the input box * 2. The current wildCard setting * 3. The current caseSensitive setting * 4. The current notCharacter setting * width: [default undefined] If set this will become the width of the results box else the box will be the same width as the input * @author Tom Coote (www.tomcoote.co.uk) * @version 1.2.4 */ (function($){ $.fn.jsonSuggest = function(searchData, settings) { var defaults = { minCharacters: 1, maxResults: undefined, wildCard: "", caseSensitive: false, notCharacter: "!", maxHeight: 350, highlightMatches: true, onSelect: undefined, ajaxResults: false, width: undefined }; settings = $.extend(defaults, settings); return this.each(function() { function regexEscape(txt, omit) { var specials = ['/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\']; if (omit) { for (var i=0; i < specials.length; i++) { if (specials[i] === omit) { specials.splice(i,1); } } } var escapePatt = new RegExp('(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g'); return txt.replace(escapePatt, '\\$1'); } var obj = $(this), wildCardPatt = new RegExp(regexEscape(settings.wildCard || ''),'g'), results = $('
'), currentSelection, pageX, pageY; // When an item has been selected then update the input box, // hide the results again and if set, call the onSelect function function selectResultItem(item) { obj.val(item.text); $(results).html('').hide(); if (typeof settings.onSelect === 'function') { settings.onSelect(item); } } // Used to get rid of the hover class on all result item elements in the // current set of results and add it only to the given element. We also // need to set the current selection to the given element here. function setHoverClass(el) { $('div.resultItem', results).removeClass('hover'); $(el).addClass('hover'); currentSelection = el; } // Build the results HTML based on an array of objects that matched // the search criteria, highlight the matches if feature is turned on in // the settings. function buildResults(resultObjects, sFilterTxt) { sFilterTxt = "(" + sFilterTxt + ")"; var bOddRow = true, i, iFound = 0, filterPatt = settings.caseSensitive ? new RegExp(sFilterTxt, "g") : new RegExp(sFilterTxt, "ig"); $(results).html('').hide(); for (i = 0; i < resultObjects.length; i += 1) { var item = $('
'), text = resultObjects[i].text; if (settings.highlightMatches === true) { text = text.replace(filterPatt, "$1"); } $(item).append('

' + text + '

'); if (typeof resultObjects[i].extra === 'string') { $(item).append('

' + resultObjects[i].extra + '

'); } if (typeof resultObjects[i].image === 'string') { $(item).prepend(''). append('
'); } $(item).addClass('resultItem'). addClass((bOddRow) ? 'odd' : 'even'). click(function(n) { return function() { selectResultItem(resultObjects[n]); };}(i)). mouseover(function(el) { return function() { setHoverClass(el); };}(item)); $(results).append(item); bOddRow = !bOddRow; iFound += 1; if (typeof settings.maxResults === 'number' && iFound >= settings.maxResults) { break; } } if ($('div', results).length > 0) { currentSelection = undefined; $(results).show().css('height', 'auto'); if ($(results).height() > settings.maxHeight) { $(results).css({'overflow': 'auto', 'height': settings.maxHeight + 'px'}); } } } // Prepare the search string based on the settings for this plugin, // run it against each item in the searchData and display any // results on the page allowing selection by the user. function runSuggest(e) { if (this.value.length < settings.minCharacters) { $(results).html('').hide(); return false; } var resultObjects = [], sFilterTxt = (!settings.wildCard) ? regexEscape(this.value) : regexEscape(this.value, settings.wildCard).replace(wildCardPatt, '.*'), bMatch = true, filterPatt, i; if (settings.notCharacter && sFilterTxt.indexOf(settings.notCharacter) === 0) { sFilterTxt = sFilterTxt.substr(settings.notCharacter.length,sFilterTxt.length); if (sFilterTxt.length > 0) { bMatch = false; } } sFilterTxt = sFilterTxt || '.*'; sFilterTxt = settings.wildCard ? '^' + sFilterTxt : sFilterTxt; filterPatt = settings.caseSensitive ? new RegExp(sFilterTxt) : new RegExp(sFilterTxt,"i"); // Get the results from the correct place. If settings.ajaxResults then results are retrieved from // an external function each time they are needed else they are retrieved from the data // given on contruction. if (settings.ajaxResults === true) { resultObjects = searchData(this.value, settings.wildCard, settings.caseSensitive, settings.notCharacter); if (typeof resultObjects === 'string') { resultObjects = JSON.parse(resultObjects); } } else { // Look for the required match against each single search data item. When the not // character is used we are looking for a false match. for (i = 0; i < searchData.length; i += 1) { if (filterPatt.test(searchData[i].text) === bMatch) { resultObjects.push(searchData[i]); } } } buildResults(resultObjects, sFilterTxt); } // To call specific actions based on the keys pressed in the input // box. Special keys are up, down and return. All other keys // act as normal. function keyListener(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 13: // return key $(currentSelection).trigger('click'); return false; case 40: // down key if (typeof currentSelection === 'undefined') { currentSelection = $('div.resultItem:first', results).get(0); } else { currentSelection = $(currentSelection).next().get(0); } setHoverClass(currentSelection); if (currentSelection) { $(results).scrollTop(currentSelection.offsetTop); } return false; case 38: // up key if (typeof currentSelection === 'undefined') { currentSelection = $('div.resultItem:last', results).get(0); } else { currentSelection = $(currentSelection).prev().get(0); } setHoverClass(currentSelection); if (currentSelection) { $(results).scrollTop(currentSelection.offsetTop); } return false; default: runSuggest.apply(this, [e]); } } // Prepare the input box to show suggest results by adding in the events // that will initiate the search and placing the element on the page // that will show the results. $(results).addClass('jsonSuggestResults'). css({ 'top': (obj.position().top + obj.height() + 5) + 'px', 'left': obj.position().left + 'px', 'width': settings.width || ((obj.width() + 5) + 'px') }).hide(); obj.after(results). keyup(keyListener). blur(function(e) { // We need to make sure we don't hide the result set // if the input blur event is called because of clicking on // a result item. var resPos = $(results).offset(); resPos.bottom = resPos.top + $(results).height(); resPos.right = resPos.left + $(results).width(); if (pageY < resPos.top || pageY > resPos.bottom || pageX < resPos.left || pageX > resPos.right) { $(results).hide(); } }). focus(function(e) { $(results).css({ 'top': (obj.position().top + obj.height() + 5) + 'px', 'left': obj.position().left + 'px' }); if ($('div', results).length > 0) { $(results).show(); } }). attr('autocomplete', 'off'); $().mousemove(function(e) { pageX = e.pageX; pageY = e.pageY; }); // Opera doesn't seem to assign a keyCode for the down // key on the keyup event. why? if ($.browser.opera) { obj.keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 40) { // up key return keyListener(e); } }); } // Escape the not character if present so that it doesn't act in the regular expression settings.notCharacter = regexEscape(settings.notCharacter || ''); // We need to get the javascript array type data from the searchData setting. // Setting can either be a string, already an array or a function that returns one // of those things. We only get this data if it isn't being provided using ajax on // each search if (!settings.ajaxResults) { if (typeof searchData === 'function') { searchData = searchData(); } if (typeof searchData === 'string') { searchData = JSON.parse(searchData); } } }); }; })(jQuery);