import gleam/int import gleam/set import gleam/list.{map} import gleam/string type Rucksack = #(List(String), List(String)) pub fn pt_1(input: String) -> Int { string.split(input, on: "\n") |> |> |> |> |> int.sum } pub fn pt_2(input: String) -> Int { todo } fn split_in_half(l: List(String)) -> Rucksack { list.split(l, at: list.length(l) / 2) } fn common_item(rucksack: Rucksack) -> String { let one = set.from_list(rucksack.0) let two = set.from_list(rucksack.1) let inter = set.intersection(one, two) assert 1 = set.size(inter) assert Ok(common) = inter |> set.to_list |> list.first common } // Lowercase item types a through z have priorities 1 through 26. // Uppercase item types A through Z have priorities 27 through 52. // I can't find a way to get a codepoint or match on a range with Gleam so this // will have to do. fn priority(item: String) -> Int { // case <<item:utf8>> { // <<a:utf8_codepoint>> -> a // } case item { "a" -> 1 "b" -> 2 "c" -> 3 "d" -> 4 "e" -> 5 "f" -> 6 "g" -> 7 "h" -> 8 "i" -> 9 "j" -> 10 "k" -> 11 "l" -> 12 "m" -> 13 "n" -> 14 "o" -> 15 "p" -> 16 "q" -> 17 "r" -> 18 "s" -> 19 "t" -> 20 "u" -> 21 "v" -> 22 "w" -> 23 "x" -> 24 "y" -> 25 "z" -> 26 "A" -> 27 "B" -> 28 "C" -> 29 "D" -> 30 "E" -> 31 "F" -> 32 "G" -> 33 "H" -> 34 "I" -> 35 "J" -> 36 "K" -> 37 "L" -> 38 "M" -> 39 "N" -> 40 "O" -> 41 "P" -> 42 "Q" -> 43 "R" -> 44 "S" -> 45 "T" -> 46 "U" -> 47 "V" -> 48 "W" -> 49 "X" -> 50 "Y" -> 51 "Z" -> 52 } }