MULTIPLIER = ENV["MULTIPLIER"].to_i || 2 input = by_row = { |line| line.split("") } def needs_expand(data) expand = [] data.each_with_index { |row, i| expand << i if row.all? { |c| c == "." || c == "," } } expand end def print_cosmos(cosmos) cosmos.each do |line| puts line.join("") end end # do expansion row_expand = needs_expand(by_row) row_expand.reverse.each do |i| by_row[i] = ("," * by_row[i].length).split("") # add expansion marker end by_column = by_row.transpose col_expand = needs_expand(by_column) col_expand.reverse.each do |i| by_column[i] = ("," * by_column[i].length).split("") # add expansion marker end cosmos = by_column.transpose print_cosmos(cosmos) # find galaxies galaxies = [] (0...cosmos.first.length).each do |x| (0...cosmos.length).each do |y| galaxies << [x, y] if cosmos[y][x] == "#" end end def galaxy_distance(a, b) (a[0] - b[0]).abs + (a[1] - b[1]).abs end def cosmos_at(x, y, cosmos) cosmos[y][x] end distances = galaxies.combination(2).map do |combo| a, b = combo.sort distance = galaxy_distance(a, b) # see how many millions are crossed in x x_millions = (a[0]..b[0]).filter_map do |x| loc = cosmos_at(x, a[1], cosmos) loc if loc == "," end # now y component range = if a[1] > b[1] b[1]..a[1] else a[1]..b[1] end y_millions = range.filter_map do |y| loc = cosmos_at(b[0], y, cosmos) loc if loc == "," end distance + ((x_millions.length + y_millions.length) * MULTIPLIER) - x_millions.length - y_millions.length end puts "Sum of distances with multiplier #{MULTIPLIER}: #{distances.sum}"