{% extends "juice/templates/index.html" %} {% block title %}{{ section.title }} - {{ section.description }}{% endblock title %} {% block hero %}

{{ section.description }}

RSS Please is a command line tool that runs on Linux, macOS, Windows, BSD, and more.

{% set releases = load_data(url="https://github.com/wezm/rsspls/releases.atom", format="xml") %} {% set latest_release = releases.feed.entry | first %} {% set latest_version = latest_release.link['@href'] | split(pat="/") | last %} Install

Current version: {{ latest_version }}

Screenshot of two invocations of rsspls in a terminal. The first fetches and generates the feeds, the second does not change anything as the source pages are unmodifed.
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{% endblock hero %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block metadata %} {% endblock %} {% block fonts %} {% endblock %} {% block favicon %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{{ section.content | safe }} {% endblock content %} {% block footer %} {% endblock %}