This week I attended [] (for the first time) in Christchurch, New
Zealand. It's a week long conference covering Linux, open source software
and hardware, privacy, security and much more. The theme this year was [IoT].
In line with the theme I built a digital conference badge to take to the
conference. It used a tri-colour e-Paper display and was powered by a Rust
program I built running on [Raspbian Linux][Raspbian]. This post describes how
it was built, how it works, and how it fared at the conference. The [source
code is on GitHub][source].
The badge in its final state after the conference
## Building
After booking my tickets in October I decided I wanted to build a digital
conference badge. I'm not entirely sure what prompted me to do this but it was
a combination of seeing projects like the [BADGEr] in the past, the theme of 2019 being IoT, and an excuse to write more Rust. Since it was
ostensibly a Linux conference it also seemed appropriate for it to run Linux.
Over the next few weeks I collected the parts and adaptors to build the badge.
The main components were:
* [Raspberry Pi Zero W] — AU$15.00
* [Pimoroni Inky pHAT] e-Paper display — AU$38.00
* 4800mAh/3.7V USB battery pack that I already owned
The Raspberry Pi Zero W is a single core 1Ghz ARM SoC with 512Mb RAM, Wi-FI,
Bluetooth, microSD card slot, and mini HDMI. The Inky pHAT is a 212x104 pixel
tri-colour (red, black, white) e-Paper display. It takes about 15 seconds to
refresh the display but it draws very little power in between updates and the
image persists even when power is removed.
### Support Crates
The first part of the project involved building a Rust driver for the
controller in the e-Paper display. That involved determining what controller
the display used, as Pimoroni did not document it. Searching online for some of
the comments in [the Python driver][inky] suggested the display was possibly a
HINK-E0213A07 from Holitech Co. Further searching based on [the datasheet for
that display][HINK-E0213A07] suggested that the controller was a [Solomon
Systech SSD1675][SSD1675]. Cross referencing the display datasheet, [SSD1675
datasheet], and the [Python source of Pimoroni's Inky pHAT driver][inky]
suggested I was on the right track.
I set about building the Rust driver for the SSD1675 using the [embedded HAL
traits][embedded-hal]. These traits allow embedded Rust drivers to be built
against a de facto standard set of traits that allow the driver to be used in
any environment that implements the traits. For example I make use of traits
for [SPI] devices, and [GPIO] pins, which are implemented for
[Linux][linux-embedded-hal], as well as say, [the STM32F30x family of
microcontrollers][stm32f30x-hal]. This allows the driver to be written once and
used on many devices.
The result was the [ssd1675 crate]. It's a so called no-std crate. That means
it does not use the Rust standard library, instead sticking only to the core
library. This allows the crate to be used on devices and microcontrollers
without features like file systems, or heap allocators. The crate also makes
use of the [embedded-graphics crate][embedded-graphics], which makes it easy to
draw text and basic shapes on the display in a memory efficient manner.
While testing the ssd1675 crate I also built another crate, [profont], which
provides 7 sizes of the [ProFont font] for embedded graphics. The profont crate
was published 24 Nov 2018, and ssd1675 was published a month later on 26 Dec
### The Badge Itself
Now that I had all the prerequisites in place I could start working on the
badge proper. I had a few goals for the badge and its implementation:
* I wanted it to have some interactive component.
* I wanted there to be some sort of Internet aspect to tie in with the IoT
theme of the conference.
* I wanted the badge to be entirely powered by a single, efficient Rust binary,
that did not shell out to other commands or anything like that.
* Ideally it would be relatively power efficient.
An early revision of the badge from 6 Jan 2019
I settled on having the badge program serve up a web page with some information
about the project, myself, and some live stats of the Raspberry Pi (OS, kernel,
uptime, free RAM). The plain text version of the page looked like this:
Hi I'm Wes!
Welcome to my conference badge. It's powered by Linux and
Rust running on a Raspberry Pi Zero W with a tri-colour Inky
pHAT ePaper dispay. The source code is on GitHub:
Say Hello
12 people have said hi.
Say hello in person and on the badge. To increment the hello
counter on the badge:
curl -X POST
About Me
I'm a software developer from Melbourne, Australia. I
currently work at GreenSync building systems to help make
better use of renewable energy.
Find me on the Internet at:
Host Information
(_\)(/_) OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux
(_(__)_) KERNEL: Linux 4.14.79+
(_(_)(_)_) UPTIME: 3m
(_(__)_) MEMORY: 430.3 MB free of 454.5 MB
| Powered by Rust! |
\) / o o \ (/
'_ - _'
/ '-----' \
The interactive part came in the form of a virtual "hello" counter. Each HTTP
POST to the `/hi` endpoint incremented the count, which was shown on the badge.
The badge displayed the URL of the page. The URL was just the badge's IP
address on the conference Wi-Fi. To provide a little protection against abuse I
added code that only allowed a given IP to increment the count once per hour.
When building the badge software these are some of the details and things I
strived for:
* Handle Wi-Fi going away
* Handle IP address changing
* Prevent duplicate submissions
* Pluralisation of text on the badge and on the web page
* Automatically shift the text as the count requires more digits
* Serve plain text and HTML pages:
* If the web page is requested with an `Accept` header that doesn't include
`text/html` (E.g. `curl`) then the response is plain text and the method to,
"say hello", is a `curl` command.
* If the user agent indicates they accept HTML then the page is HTML and
contains a form with a button to, "say hello".
* Avoid aborting on errors:
* I kind of ran out of time to handle all errors well, but most are handled
gracefully and won't abort the program. In some cases a default is used in
the face of an error. In other cases I just resorted to logging a message and
carrying on.
* Keep memory usage low:
* The web server efficiently discards any large POST requests sent to it, to
avoid exhausting RAM.
* Typical RAM stats showed the Rust program using about 3Mb of RAM.
* Be relatively power efficient:
* Use Rust instead of a scripting language
* Only update the display when something it's showing changes
* Only check for changes every 15 seconds (the rest of the time that thread just sleeps)
* Put the display into deep sleep after updating
I used [hyper] for the HTTP server built into the binary. To get a feel for the
limits of the device I did some rudimentary HTTP benchmarking with [wrk] and
concluded that 300 requests per second was was probably going to be fine. `;-)`
Running 10s test @
4 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 316.58ms 54.41ms 1.28s 92.04%
Req/Sec 79.43 43.24 212.00 67.74%
3099 requests in 10.04s, 3.77MB read
Requests/sec: 308.61
Transfer/sec: 384.56KB
### Mounting
When I started the project I imagined it would hang around my neck like a
conference lanyard. By the time departure day arrived I still hadn't worked out
how this would work in practice (power delivery being a major concern). In the
end I settled on attaching it to the strap on my backpack. My bag has lots of
webbing so there were plenty of loops to hold it in place. I was also able to
use the Velcro covered holes intended for water tubes to get the cable neatly
into the bag.
## At the Conference
I had everything pretty much working for the start of the conference. Although
I did make some improvements and add a [systemd unit] to automatically start
and restart the Rust binary. At this point there were still two unknowns:
battery life and how the Raspberry Pi would handle coming in and out of Wi-Fi
range. The Wi-Fi turned out fine: It automatically reconnected whenever it
came into range of the Wi-Fi.
Ready for day 1
### Reception
Day 1 was a success! I had several people talk to me about the badge and
increment the counter. Battery life was good too. After 12 hours of uptime the
battery was still showing it was half full. Later in the week I left the badge
running overnight and hit 24 hours uptime. The battery level indicator was on
the last light so I suspect there wasn't much juice left.
Me after receiving my first hello on the badge
On day 2 I had had several people suggest that I needed a QR code for the URL.
Turns out entering an IP address on a phone keyboard is tedious. So
that evening I added a QR code to the display. It's dynamically generated and
contains the same URL that is shown on the display. There were several good crates
to choose from. Ultimately I picked one that didn't have any image
dependencies, which allowed me to convert the data into embedded-graphics
pixels. The change was a success, most people scanned the QR code from this
point on.
Badge display showing the newly added QR code
On day 2 I also ran into [E. Dunham][edunham], and rambled briefly about my
badge project and that it was built with Rust. To my absolute delight [the
project was featured in their talk the next day][edunham-talk]. The project was
mentioned and linked on a slide and I was asked to raise my hand in case anyone
wanted to chat afterwards.
Photo of E. Dunham's slide with a link to my git repo
At the end of the talk the audience was encouraged to tell the rest of the room
about a Rust project they were working on. Each person that did so got a little
plush [Ferris]. I spoke about [Read Rust].
Plush Ferris
## Conclusion
By the end of the conference the badge showed a count of 12. It had worked
flawlessly over the five days.
Small projects with a fairly hard deadline are a good way to ensure they're
seen through to completion. They're also a great motivator to publish some open
source code.
I think I greatly overestimated the number of people that would interact with
the badge. Of those that did, I think most tapped the button to increase the
counter and didn't read much else on the page. For example no one commented on
the system stats at the bottom. I had imagined the badge as a sort of digital
business card but this did not really eventuate in practice.
Attaching the Pi and display to my bag worked out pretty well. I did have to be
careful when putting my bag on as it was easy to catch on my clothes. Also one
day it started raining on the walk back to the accommodation. I had not
factored that in at all and given it wasn't super easy to take on and off I
ended up shielding it with my hand all the way back.
### Would I Do It Again?
Maybe. If I were to do it again I might do something less interactive and
perhaps more informational but updated more regularly. I might try to tie the
project into a talk submission too. For example, I could have submitted a talk
about using the embedded Rust ecosystem on a Raspberry Pi and made reference to
the badge in the talk or used it for examples. I think this would give more
info about the project to a bunch of people at once and also potentially teach
them something at the same time.
All in all it was a fun project and excellent conference. If you're interested,
[the Rust source for the badge is on GitHub][source].
Next Post: [Rebuilding My Personal Infrastructure With Alpine Linux and Docker](/technical/2019/02/alpine-linux-docker-infrastructure/)
[Pimoroni Inky pHAT]:
[ProFont font]:
[Raspberry Pi Zero W]:
[Read Rust]:
[ssd1675 crate]:
[SSD1675 datasheet]:
[systemd unit]: