Following Nick Kreeger's <a href="">handy post</a> on tweaking MacVim on Mac OS X I applied some of the tips to GVim under Windows to make it a little easier on the eye. The following settings are placed in your _vimrc/.vimrc file. First up is a change of font. With the introduction of Windows Vista Microsoft had a <a href="">set of new standard fonts</a> created. These also ship with the latest versions of Office. The Consolas monospaced font makes a good programmers font so I use this as the font when running under Windows. I've also set the size to be relatively small. <pre>if has("gui_win32") :set guifont=Consolas:h8,<a href="">ProggyTiny</a>:h8,Luxi_Mono:h12:cANSI endif</pre> <!--more-->Next up set the window to start tall and a little wider than normal: set columns=90 lines=65 I share my vim config with Cygwin and Windows native vim. In order to get the Windows version to pick up the UNIX plugins etc in the .vim I include the following: " Make Windows use my UNIX vimfiles if has("win32") set runtimepath=$HOME/.vim,$HOME/vimfiles,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,$HOME/vimfiles/after endif Turn on a custom status line which includes the file name, file type, modified and read only status, line and column numbers and the percentage through the file. set laststatus=2 set statusline=%<%f\ %m%a%=%([%R%H%Y]%)\ %-19(%3l\ of\ %L,%c%)%P set showcmd Along the lines of what Nick did I turned line numbers on and toned the colour down a bit: colorscheme koehler hi LineNr guifg=#666666 set number So what does it all like in the end? Still not as good as MacVim but not too bad (click for full size version, scaled version looks a bit average): <a href="/images/2008/09/windows-gvim.png"><img src="/images/2008/09/windows-gvim.png" alt="Screenshot of GVim on Windows after customisation" title="Customised GVim" width="500" height="847" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-67" /></a>