+++ title = "Australian Chimera Linux Mirror" date = 2024-08-25T09:17:27+10:00 #[extra] #updated = 2024-06-06T08:24:45+10:00 +++ I have set up a mirror of [repo.chimeralinux.org](https://repo.chimera-linux.org/) on a server in Australia (Brisbane). It's been running well for a couple of weeks now. The [root of the mirror][mirror] shows an index of what is hosted and when it was last synced. [/chimera] is where the Chimera data lives. It mirrors the packages as well as ISO and rootfs downloads. Using the mirror greatly speeds up package downloads, which in-turn makes things like `apk upgrade` a lot faster. Some rudimentary testing suggests this this server may also provide a speed improvement for folks in parts of Asia too. ### How to Use the Mirror #### Packages Edit the files in `/etc/apk/repositories.d/` to point to the mirror. For example `/etc/apk/repositories.d/00-repo-main.list` contains this by default: ``` https://repo.chimera-linux.org/current/main ``` Change that to: ``` https://au.mirror.7bit.org/chimera/current/main ``` I.e. replace `repo.chimera-linux.org` with `au.mirror.7bit.org/chimera`. #### Downloads For ISOs and rootfs images visit: . ### Building and Running the Mirror I set up a new server with [BinaryLane] in Brisbane and installed Chimera Linux on it—yes the mirror is hosted with Chimera. Specifically I installed the [base-minimal] package set to keep the package count low. On top of that I installed `nginx` to serve the data and [Lego] (which I added to cports) to manage TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt. To limit access and avoid the use of `root` there are dedicated regular users for syncing, `lego`, `nginx`, and `www-data`. To allow `lego` to restart `nginx` when certificates are updated I use a [doas] rule. Synchronisation is triggered hourly by a cron job. I use the [atomic-rsync] script to make updates atomic. The script manages a pair of directories `chimera-1` and `chimera-2`. The active one is symlinked to `chimera`. The script syncs into the inactive directory, creating hard links for unchanged data, then flips the symlink at the end. After syncing, the current date is written to a file, which is used by a small snippet of JavaScript on [the index page][mirror] to show when the data was last synced. [mirror]: https://au.mirror.7bit.org/ [/chimera]: https://au.mirror.7bit.org/chimera/ [BinaryLane]: https://www.binarylane.com.au/ [base-minimal]: https://pkgs.chimera-linux.org/package/current/main/x86_64/base-minimal [atomic-rsync]: https://github.com/RsyncProject/rsync/blob/9615a2492bbf96bc145e738ebff55bbb91e0bbee/support/atomic-rsync [Lego]: https://go-acme.github.io/lego/ [doas]: https://github.com/Duncaen/OpenDoas