A couple of weeks ago I gave an introduction to Rust talk at our tech all hands meeting. The talk was a quick 30 minute introduction to the language that covered: * Where the project came from, where it fits, and what it's trying to solve. * Some of the main features and tools. * Some core concepts. * Live coding a little demo program. You can watch a recording of the talk below, or: * [Watch on YouTube] * [Download the video][Download] * [View the slides online][slides] * [Check out the code on GitHub][slides-source] <figure> <video src="/images/2018/introduction-to-rust-talk.mp4" width="1360" preload="meta" controls="controls"></video> <figcaption>Introduction to Rust Video</figcaption> </figure> [Watch on YouTube]: https://youtu.be/dRXePp1T9ZM [Download]: /images/2018/introduction-to-rust-talk.mp4 [slides]: /technical/2018/01/introduction-to-rust-talk/slides/ [slides-source]: https://github.com/wezm/rust-intro-talk