+++ title = "Resuming Read Rust Tweeting" date = 2022-07-11T11:15:32+10:00 [extra] # updated = 2021-10-01T10:44:43+10:00 +++ The [Read Rust Twitter account][read_rust] crossed over 10K followers in the last few days. Amazingly 4350 of those coming after I stopped regular posting. This got me thinking about the account and how I might be able to use it to benefit the community while avoiding the overhead that led me to [winding things down in Sep 2020](@/posts/2020/slowing-read-rust-posting.md). <!-- more --> In that post I noted: > Whilst I think there is value in the curation and archiving of posts on Read > Rust, the website doesn't see a lot of use. I think most of the value for > people is following the [Twitter], [Mastodon], and [Facebook] accounts. > However, there's a fair amount of overlap between posts shared on [/r/rust], > [@rustlang], and [This Week in Rust][twir]. So, I think that if folks keep an > eye on one or more of those they will still see most posts of note. Since then the @rustlang Twitter account has become much less active, so perhaps there is room for the Read Rust Twitter account as well. My plan is to resume using @read_rust, but I will not be seeking out content to post like I did previously. I'll retweet interesting things that I come across during my usual reading and will _consider_ sharing posts that mention @read_rust. Hopefully that represents a sustainable time commitment. Onwards! 🦀 [read_rust]: https://twitter.com/read_rust [Twitter]: https://twitter.com/read_rust [Mastodon]: https://botsin.space/@readrust [Facebook]: https://www.facebook.com/readrust/ [/r/rust]: https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/ [@rustlang]: https://twitter.com/rustlang [twir]: https://this-week-in-rust.org/