1.6 KiB

+++ title = "Install" description = "Install" weight = 1 +++

rsspls can be installed via one of the following methods:

Package Manager

rsspls is packaged in these package managers:

  • AUR: rsspls
  • Homebrew: brew install wezm/taps/rsspls
  • MacPorts: rsspls

Pre-compiled Binary

Pre-compiled binaries are available for a number of platforms. They require no additional dependencies on your computer.

Example to download and extract a binary:

curl | tar zxf -

This will result in the rsspls binary in the current directory.

Build From Source

Minimum Supported Rust Version: 1.70.0

rsspls is implemented in Rust. See the Rust website for [instructions on installing the toolchain][rustup].

From Git Checkout or Release Tarball

Build the binary with cargo build --release --locked. The binary will be in target/release/rsspls.


cargo install rsspls