2023-03-06 10:18:50 +10:00

2 KiB

+++ title = "About" +++

{{ resize_image(image="../static/images/Photo of Wesley Moore.jpg", width=1600, quality=60, alt="Photo of me against a Boab tree in Broome, WA") }}

I'm a software developer originally from Melbourne, Australia. I now live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. I like open-source software and warm weather. I enjoy tinkering with computers, ranging from small microcontrollers up to large servers and the operating systems that run upon them.

Arch Linux is my desktop operating system of choice, with the Awesome window manager. The server hosting this website runs Alpine Linux. You can read more about my OS adventures on bitcannon.net.

{{ float_image(image="../static/images/keyboards.jpg", float="right", width=128, alt="Photo of my keyboards") }} I prefer typing on mechanical keyboards. I have a small collection in a range of sizes. All are fully programmable. My current favourite is a Filco Majestouch Ninja 2, which has had the factory controller replaced with a programmable one.

Rust is my favourite programming language. I am fairly active in the Rust community and curate Read Rust, a website that collects interesting posts from the Rust community.

I am fine with either he/him or they/them pronouns.


See the footer for my email and social media links.


This website would not be possible without the generous work of others: